Aluminium, 100% made in Belgium
Don't look too far for the joinery of your new construction or renovation project. Doors and windows with aluminium profiles from Belgium are top material. Aluminium structural engineers have put their trust in Aliplast Aluminium Systems Belgium for decades. Here is why.
Aluminium profiles from Belgium
‘100% Belgian’ has been the tagline of Aliplast from Belgium since 1984. Local roots, therefore, but the quality of aluminium profiles did not go unnoticed outside Belgium. So we went international. Today, we are a global, renowned player in aluminium systems from Belgium. The heart of our development and production is in Lokeren, where dedicated professionals in our Centre of Excellence work on the aluminium systems of tomorrow - all from Belgium.
This is where the perfect aluminium doors and windows, interior doors, sliding doors, folding walls, conservatories, terrace coverings, curtain walls, cleaning products and more take shape. We also deliver our aluminium profiles to our customers in the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Germany, Sweden, Norway and Switzerland.

Aluminium family from Belgium
The Aliplast aluminium family from Belgium also belongs to the Corialis Group, a global player that generates a turnover of more than €800 million and has a workforce of over 3,000 employees. So you could say we serve all corners with branches or hubs in Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, France, Poland, Serbia, La Réunion and South Africa.

Everything under one roof at Aliplast Aluminium Systems Belgium
The excellent quality of our aluminium from Belgium is partly due to a number of strategic choices and constant quality control. Our pillars include:
- Everything under one roof: full control of our production chain, quality and (fast) deliveries of aluminium in Belgium and abroad.
- Colour guarantee: we do the paintwork ourselves, with a standard 15-year Seaside colour guarantee and even 25 years on more than 50 colours.
- Cradle to cradle sustainability certificate: we come full circle, because aluminium from Belgium is 100% recyclable and contains no harmful substances.
- Always nearby: our aluminium world also opens up for you via local distributors. They make and install your windows. You can contact them for all information and quotes.
Aluminium from Belgium, go for it
You get the picture: Aluminium from Aliplast Belgium is the best for your new doors and windows.
Speak to one of our loyal aluminium distributors soon.