Your guarantee of quality aluminium
Delivering the best aluminium is a matter of testing, testing, and more testing; and on top of that of showing proof and results from a dedicated production process. You can read here how quality aluminium is actually attained and what to look out for if you want the best aluminium doors and frames.
Testing for quality aluminium
Quality aluminium starts with research and development. That is where engineers come in, as at Aliplast Aluminium Systems. And that is how quality aluminium finds its way into innovative systems, doors, windows and more.
Every aspect should be considered critically, e.g. water tightness, burglary resistance, fire resistance, colours and corrosion protection. All products must be subjected to various tests to get the quality aluminium label, so you can be sure they meet the strictest international standards or perform better than the benchmark.
Everything under 1 roof to deliver quality aluminium
The fact that at Aliplast we test things like air and water tightness in-house and produce everything in our own workshop is the best guarantee of quality aluminium. We master vertical integration (from development to delivery to our partners) perfectly at our site in Lokeren. From idea to mould drawing, from press post to extrusion, from surface treatment to coating the profiles, from insulation and packaging to transport to our customers, we do not outsource anything. This way, we maintain full control over our production chain and high-quality aluminium. The result is also faster delivery.

ISO certificates as proof for quality aluminium
As a producer of quality aluminium, you should also be able to produce the necessary certificates. Aliplast has obtained certification for the following standards: ISO9001 for quality management, ISO45001 for safe working conditions, ISO14001 for environmental management and ISO50001 for energy management. This means the ultimate assurance in terms of quality aluminium as well as continuity for our organization, employees and all our (end) customers.

Quality aluminium customer case
Structural engineers, architects and end customers have the most important voice, of course. They too are convinced of Aliplast’s quality aluminium. Sterea, an impressive concept by Architect Paul Lievevrouw and SUMProjects in Zaventem is a case in point: A combination of unique hybrid housing solutions in the middle of an exclusive green setting. Towering requirements were set in terms of aesthetics, thermal and acoustic insulation, wind and water tightness. Aliplast's MAX LIGHT door and window systems met these requirements perfectly. With a U value of 0.97 W/M²K, these windows score high in terms of thermal insulation. With very good acoustic results, these systems obviously make a difference at a location near Brussels airport.
Only quality aluminium
You can feel it: at Aliplast, we believe that as a private individual and homeowner, you deserve only the very best aluminium. We also believe that distributors and architects should really be able to showcase our quality aluminium and its performance. That is why we continuously improve and test our series internally. We guarantee the best systems for every home and every building. Several certified agencies officially validate the test results time and again. We are constantly testing and optimizing internally. Experience it for yourself.